Paper Guide Lines

1. Paper presentation applies for any topic on OTOLOGY.

2. It is mandatory for the Presenter to be registered for the conference.

3. Title must be in capital letters. It should be short and concise (No Institutional affiliations to be mentioned in the paper presentation or abstract).

4. The name of authors should follow immediately under the title in one line. Type initials and family name of authors in BLOCK letters and underline the Presenter’s name.

5. Use of standard abbreviations is desirable. Please use special or unusual abbreviations in brackets after the full word, the first time it appears. Use numerals to indicate numbers, except to begin sentences.

6. Time allotted – 8 mins for presentation and 2 mins for Q&A. Overshooting the stipulated presentation time will lead to disqualification.

7. Only judges will ask the questions. The individual presenter should only answer the questions. Judges’ decision will be final.

8. Paper presentation competition is for POST GRADUATE STUDENTS only. Students must attach a student certificate forwarded by their Head of the Department.

9. All abstracts should be sent via email to with Subject as – ‘PAPER IOW 2024: (IOW Registration Number of the delegate):(Title of paper)’.
Body of the email should include- Delegate name, Mobile number, IOW Registration number
Attachments to email- Abstract in word format

10. Abstracts should be structured under following headings

● Introduction, Aims & Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions

11. Abstracts should be submitted before 10th May 2024.

12. Results will be sent via e-mail notification. Only the primary author will be notified regarding the acceptance or rejection of the abstract for paper presentation during the conference.

13. For any further assistance, please contact Dr Reshma +91 82819 09897 / Mr. Rupesh +91 7738086388

E-Poster Guide Lines

  1. Poster may be submitted for any topic on OTOLOGY

  2. It is mandatory for the Presenter to be registered for the conference.

  3. Poster must be in English with not more than 250 words using Times New Roman with font size 12. (excluding title, author and Institutional affiliations)

  4. Title must be short and concise, written in capital letters.

  5. Complete names of all authors should follow immediately under the title in one line, in BLOCK letters and underline the Presenter’s name.

  6. Posters should be structured under following headings.

    • Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions

  7. Use of standard abbreviations is desirable. Please use special or unusual abbreviations in brackets after the full word, the first time it appears. Use numerals to indicate numbers, except to begin sentences.

  8. Do not include graphs and references in the poster.

  9. Use single-line vertical spacing and leave one line between paragraphs.

  10. Your poster should be composed in 16/9 ratio (wide screen).

  11. Your poster should consist of one slide of Power Point only.

  12. Time allotted – 3 mins for presentation and 2 mins for Q&A. Overshooting the stipulated presentation time will lead to disqualification.

  13. Only judges will ask the questions. The individual presenter should only answer the questions. Judges’ decision will be final.

  14.  Poster presentation competition is for POST GRADUATE STUDENTS & JUNIOR CONSULTANTS. Post graduates must attach a Student certificate from their Head of the Department.

  15. All posters should be sent via email to with

    Subject as – ‘POSTER IOW 2024: (IOW Registration number of delegate):(Title of poster)”.
    Body of the email should include- Delegate name, Mobile number, IOW Registration number
    Attachments to email- Poster in .pptx format

  16. Posters should be submitted before 10th May 2024.

  17. Status of Poster approval will be sent via e-mail notification to presenter.

  18. For any further assistance, please contact Dr Reshma +91 82819 09897 / Mr. Rupesh +91 7738086388